盐山县九州泵管制造有限公司,建于1987年,是生产混凝土输送管道的专业厂家之一。      本厂占地面积约在20000多平方米,位于盐山县205国道边务工业开发区,北靠京津,南临齐鲁,西接京沪铁路、东临渤海湾、天津港、205国道横穿盐山县县境。便利交通、丰富的地域资源和优越的区位条件使我们占尽了天时、地利、人和之优势,为我公司的发展奠定的良好的基础。      我厂是生产混凝土输送泵、泵车配件专业厂家主营产品有:HBT30、40、50、60、70、80型混凝土输送泵管道;各种地面管、水平管、直管、弯管、变径管、橡胶软管、橡胶密封圈、清洗球、清洗柱、清洗活塞、高中低压钢卡及搅拌站的输送产品等。中联、三一、大象、徐工、方圆、海诺、五十玲、楚天85B、石川岛90B等混凝土泵车臂架管;配有高压耐磨合金J55直管、精铸耐磨弯头、活塞等砼泵配件。      依托高新设备与技术开发了高耐磨管。此管是由特殊材质的钢管,内壁淬火、渗碳、热处理等技术含量较高的工序完成,使管道使用寿命提高了3-5倍,并使本公司成为生产混凝土输送泵管道及配件的国内大型专业制造厂。生产的“三一”、“中联”、“海诺”、“赛马”、“大象”、“施维茵”、“极东”、“徐工”等各种系列车泵臂架管及拖泵和配件都受到用户的好评和赞誉。


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    Our main business "电动布料机;混泥土布料机;耐磨泵管;耐磨臂架管;车泵变径管;胶管胶圈;管卡;砼泵配件;车泵配件;圆筒布料机;方架布料机;中联三一法兰;防腐钢管;环氧防腐钢管" and other products. Company respected "practical, hard work, responsibility spirit of enterprise, and to integrity, win-win, creating business ideas, to create a good business environment, with a new management model, perfect technology, attentive service, excellent quality of basic survival, we always adhere to customer first intentions to serve customers, persist in using their services to impress clients.

    welcome new and old customers to visit our company guidance, my company specific address is: 河北省盐山县205国道边务开发区.

    If you are interested in our products or have any questions, you can give us a message, or contact us directly, we will receive your information, will be the first time in a timely manner contact with you, we sincerely hope to cooperate with all friends, future hand in hand, sharing successful results!

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  • 王宏莉
  • 13184987886
  • www.cnpumppipe.com
  • 061300
  • 河北省盐山县205国道边务开发区